Three times we’ve received bad news. Each time there is a treatment that might get rid of the cancer, but each time the chance of it working is less. We are at that point again. I wrote about some of
Misery, Relief, Repetition
It has been about three weeks since Peter’s last chemo treatment, and two weeks since he got to come home, but still he is feeling the effects. Last summer he insisted on swimming all the way across a lake in
Money and Mail
Several people have asked us about money and mail. Do you need financial help? How can we send mail? Did Peter get the mail I sent him in the hospital? Oh, and I’ll give a quick update about how Peter
What the Doctors Can’t Explain
When the doctors can’t explain something it can either be bad (“We don’t know why the tumor didn’t respond to treatments”) or it can be good (“We don’t know why his neutrophils jumped up so dramatically”). We have now heard
Half a Hallelujah
Yesterday I asked the oncologist when they would do the X-ray that he had mentioned a couple weeks ago, before starting this new cycle of chemo. X-rays would give us a glimpse of whether the treatment was effectively shrinking the
Some Numbers & Vocabulary – March 12, 2017
10 days in the hospital. Maybe 20 more to go before a little break at home? 5 days of chemo 3 times vomiting (unless I lost count) Several slight fevers Precious few calories consumed 13+ hours a night sleeping 3 movies
Bone Marrow. Be the Match!
Did you know you can give your immune system to another person? We found out today that both of us parents and one of our kids is a half match with Peter’s bone marrow. Then we remembered that the origin
Peter Unafraid
Some readers will already know that our 11 year old son Peter has cancer. I set up a CarePages site as a way to provide some more details on his health and treatments and in order to move it to